The Haunted Garage

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"Haunted Garage" Photos & Videos
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For the last few years I have engaged in a project I like to call "The Haunted Garage"
Ok, so I LOVE Halloween.  I think it is one of the most fun times of the year.  Why?  Because it allows EVERYONE young or old to let their imaginations run wild and have fun.
This project originally started as a single room porch decorated for Halloween 2004.  I originally got the idea for it by reminicing about my own childhood Halloweens.  I could remember there was this one houe in town that ALWAYS had spooky stuff on their porch, one year they even had a guy dressed up in a chair who scared you after you got your candy, causing us to scream and run off the porch!  It was FANTASTIC!
With that thought in mind I decided to turn my back porch into a scary room.  It was a simple enough idea.  I covered the entire room with black plastic, including covering the entry door  into the house.  I spooked the place up with halloween decorations and a stuffed man sitting on a chair holding the candy bowl, added a strobe light, and BAM instant FUN!
It was a lot of fun!  The kiddies had to walk down the side of the house, which had spooky music coming out of the windows, to the small  enclosed back porch.  Who was brave enough to open the back door??  My brother and I worked this area in 2 differnt ways.  At first, the plastic that covered the inside door had been slit, so after we heard the kiddies getting their candy out of the bowl ( we live in a small town, about 700 so they were trustworthy ) we would reach through the slit with a creeped out arm and scare them (hehe). We then switched it up so my brother put on the outfit the dummy had been wearing and took its place.  Whoa! they were surprised then!
The kids really enjoyed it, as noted from my daughter, who said they were all talking to her about it at school!  So it began, I knew I had to continue this fun little project!
The very next year I decided I needed to go bigger and I transformed my one car garage.  The "Haunted Garage" was born!  
We do this for the kids and adults who love Halloween as much as we do.  It is a non-profit exhibit that gets better each year.  We would like to share this fun experience, and so I am posting links to the photos of "The Haunted Garage"!

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Haunted Garage 2005
This was the first year for the "Haunted Garage".  There was no specific theme chosen, I just tried to work with the space and things I had available.  I did about 85% of the work and decorating myself, and then my brother decided he wanted to help out too!  I then realized I needed some "scare actors". 
So of course I rounded up a few family members that were willing to help out.  My husband Russ worked the second room inside the garage, playing our very own "Dr. Psycho".  My brother was  in the third room, he played one of the doctors "victims".  My father-in-law Fred became the "Gate Keeper", he stood outside the garage, beckoning the kiddies to come down the driveway.  He also was how we controlled the "flow" of people through the haunt.  I played a "Gypsy" in the exit room in which the kiddies received their treat for making it through the "Haunted Garage"  It was a lot of fun decorating the driveway and garage this first year becuase almost everything used I already had.  It is amazing what you can make if you just let your creative mind go! 

Haunted Garage 2005

Click on the above photo album link for more detailed information about the rooms!

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Haunted Garage 2006  
2006 was the first year, that the "whole family" got involved!  We were able to add 3 more people to the mix.  My mom (Terri), dad (Phil) and family friend Zach.  This year we had a "theme"  which ran along the lines of "twisted family house".  Unfortuantely, the group forgot to let me take pictures of everyone in their costumes in their rooms, so in some of the photos, I had my daughter Ashley stand in! 
As the sky grows dark and the moon grows bright, As strange creatures and critters appear in the night, As the goblins growl and the werewolvese whine, Hope that Halloween sends a CHILL up your spine! HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2006!

Haunted Garage 2006

Click on the above photo album link for more detailed information about the rooms!

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Haunted Garage 2007
This years garage proved to be much fun!  The group enjoyed building the rooms and designing the haunt.  We had a great crowd come through on the 28th, unfortunately we only had about 5 people on Halloween night.  Hopefully one of these years we will get to have the Haunted Garage ON Halloween! 
This years theme was the "Dungeon of Doom".  The vistors had to enter through the front yard and visit our Spooky Graveyard next to the Old Abandoned House.  At the end of their trail they were met by our Dungeon Master (Fred).  The visitors then started their trip through "The Haunted Garage"!  First, they had to enter through the Grim Reepers Tunnel.  They were then able to venture into the Hangmans Room (Zack), the Witches Belfry (Heather), the Room of Tortures (Ian), and The Caged Monster (Teresa).  Then they had to attempt to find their way through the Hallways of Darkness (Sarah, Eric & Jacob) into the Chamber of the Doors of Fate (Russ), to figure their way into the Bone Collectors room (Phil), where they were able to reach inside our spider victim and retreive their treat, IF, they were brave enough to do so!  They then sought there way out through the exit tunnel to freedom! 
Thank you to EVERYONE who helped make this years haunt happen! 

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Haunted Garage 2008  
This year was an interesting year to say the least.  We were really excited about having Halloween not moved and on a Friday night!  However, there didnt seem to be many trick or treaters this year, we don't know if this was due to a football game or what?? 
There also seemed to be an issue with some of the kids hanging around heckling, messing with props and being rude to the scare actors through out the haunt.  We enjoy being able to make The Haunted garage for ALL to enjoy, however we DO NOT appreciate any of the rude behavior that was displayed MANY times through out the night.  We have discussed this as a group and feel if this continues again next year, that we will have no choice but to stop doing The Haunted Garage.
This years theme was "horror movies."  Our haunt started out with a graveyard out front that everyone had to walk through to get to the back entrance.  At this point our Line Keeper Fred who was dressed as "scream" would allow up to 3 people to enter the back grave yard.  ( We would like to note that it is NOT okay to be climbing over the fence or cutting in line.  It is also not polite to heckle people or mess with props outside).
The creepy graveyard could then be walked through.  Displayed here were gravestones, fog, a headless zombie and "Werewolf & Victim".
From here vistors entered into The Haunted Garage!  Our first room was a mad laboratory featuring our very own larger than life Frankenstein (Phil).
The next room was Night of the Living Dead Graveyard, with our own brain eating zombie (Ian).
You could then enter into the bedroom of nightmares, where our guests were not only greeted by Annie our dreaming gal ( Omage to the French horror movie "Inside"), they were also greeted by the man of nightmares himself Freddy Krueger (Russ)!
Then move on to the Dark Karnival, this was a tribute to all those fabulous psycho clown movies we all love!  In this room we had our own killer klown (Sarah) and from time to time our special Dark Karnival recruits (Ashley, Wyatt & Cailin).
Finally we entered into the Mummy's (Terri) tomb, before your final escape out of The Haunted Garage!

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The Haunted Garage 2009

This years proved to be alot of fun!  The group enjoyed building the rooms and designing the haunt.  We had a great crowd come through on Halloween!
We were very happy this year with the kids who came through, they all behaved pretty well!  We would like to thank them for that, we greatly appreciate it!  The only thing we would like to note is:  when you bring someone through the haunt, please don't tell them who is where and what is going to happen, it ruins the scare factor for them and us.
This years theme was "Serial Killers".  Our haunt started with a walk down the driveway of doom, where they were greeted by Hannibal Lecter (Fred). Hannibal Lecter, M.D. is a fictional character in a series of novels by author Thomas Harris. Lecter is introduced in the thriller novel Red Dragon as a genius psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer. This novel and its sequel, The Silence of the Lambs feature Lecter as one of two primary antagonists. In the third novel, Hannibal, Lecter becomes the main character. His role as protagonist occurs in the fourth novel, Hannibal Rising, which explores his childhood and development into a serial killer.  
They then entered into the Acid Bath Killer (Sarah) room.  This room was based on an actual serial killer named John George Haigh in 1949.  According to his own confession, the mass murderer had dissolved his victims in acid after drinking their blood.
After making it through, they then entered the world of Doctor Satan.  Doctor Satan is a fictional character created by Rob Zombie. He was portrayed by Walter Phelan in House of 1000 Corpses. 

In the beginning of House of 1000 Corpses, Captain Spaulding tells a group of teenagers the story of Dr. Satan. He explains that Dr. Satan was a murderer, torturer and master surgeon by the name of S. Quentin Quale. Quale was an intern at Willows County Mental Hospital where he performed forbidden brain surgery on patients in order to create a race of 'super humans'. Quale was discovered and ended up hanged by an angry mob. The following day his body had vanished. No trace of Dr. Satan was ever discovered.

In Otis B. Driftwood's bio on The Devil's Rejects' official site, a different tale is told. Here we find that Baby and he were drawn into a cult led by Dr. Satan. Otis and Baby, were expelled by the leader of this cult, after they murdered one of the cult's leaders with an axe following a dispute over a bottle of whiskey.

Next they entered the chamber of Saw.  This was not taken from anyone of the movies but just the general overall idea of the films.  In fact the audio used on the video in the room had an excerpt from each of the 5 movies.  Saw is an American horror franchise that currently consists of six films.  The franchise revolves around the fictional character of John Kramer, also called the "Jigsaw Killer", introduced in Saw (2004), who rather than kill his victims outright, traps them in situations, which he calls "tests" or "games", to test their will to live via physical or psychological torture.  In the first room the vistors are met with the Saw Puppet and a video message telling them how they can get out of the room.  After figuring out the clue and fidning the key, they can then escape into the next room where they are met by the masked pig that kidnaps everyoen in the movies.

Finally, they are able to escape to the outside, where there is a small campsite, which seems very safe and tranquil, until they meat (uh meet) Leatherface.  Leatherface is a fictional character in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror-film series. One of the first slasher film villains, he has appeared in all six of the series' films since the release of the originl, in 1974. The character wears masks made of human skin (a practice which led to his name) and engages in murder and cannibalism.  In the series, he often uses a chainsaw and sledgehammer to slaughter his victims. He lives with a poor redneck family of fellow cannibals and serial killers, who are often abusive and violent towards him. The character was inspired by serial killer Ed Gein, who also wore the skin of his victims.

After esacping the horrors of the Haunted Garage, vistors then had to walk past the spooky house and through the grave yard to escape....or did they??

HaUnTeD GaRaGe Guestbook  Read Guestbook


We could learn a lot from crayons... Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names, and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.

Copyright 2007-2010 by Sarah Vanderworker
All photos, video recordings, and articles on this site are property of Sarah Vanderworker and may NOT be duplicated or copied without expressed written permisson.
All Rights Reserved

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